Sunday, November 15, 2009

bottoms up.

What is the first thing you see when you look at this advertisement? Is it the upside-down beer bottles, or is it a view of someone's behind? At first glance, I'll be honest, I saw the butt. This means the company did their job though, right? The goal of the advertisement is obvious. They positioned upside-down Heineken bottles to look like a butt in order to grasp their audience's attention. The catchy phrase "Bottoms Up!" fits right in--as the picture of the beers looks like a "bottom", and bottoms up can also be inferring how you hold a beer when you are chugging it. It is also ironic that alcohol and sexual innuendos are often paired side by side. This advertisement accomplishes a lot of things with such a simple picture. It portrays multiple messages, is visually appealing and easy to understand. Advertisements, for alcoholic beverages in particular, are not only begging for your attention, but also are competing with other companies and brands for your approval. It seems as though the most effective way to do this is to have sexual appeal. Heineken does just that, while maintaining some class and respecting boundaries. Both eye-catching and effective, the ad made me chuckle. And thirsty.

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